Wednesday, December 14, 2011

final blog

Aliou balde

Throughout this cluster we have learned about the affectivity and limit of how the language of human right works. In this blog I will use document work for martin Luther king jr civil right campaign that we have been using in our English101 course, my research paper about death penalty in my human right class, and finally idea from intro to language course to a clear explanation of limit and efficacy of the  language of human.

  We can see the use of human right language in must part of King civil right campaign as he always talk about in his speech and writing of the right that we have all as human. King idea of non-violent was itself another way of using language to advocate human right because the fact that he was not using violence or hate is way of saying we all equal and should be living as brothers instead of fighting like enemies. The language of human right works only when it is heard by the people. King used his speech and protest to make people heard his call for freedom and equality this is an example of the efficacy of the language of human right because those form of language which speech, boycott, and marches used by king where some of the main reason of the civil right campaign success.

    However the use of language to advocate for right has some limit when it comes to using them to take away other person right. Language can be used to affirm or denied someone right that in the 30TH article of universal decoration right say no one can use his right to denied somebody else right, but steal in the U.S some states are using their power to take away individual right to life and taken away they 8th amendment right that guarantee them the right to be protected against unusual and cruel punishment. They are taking away this right by arguing that it only a way of stopping criminal from committing more crimes. This is a form of human right language that shouldn’t be used because it takes away someone else right.

In our intro to language class we learned that language more than a way of communication is also a way to protect our right because the more you know about language the more you about your right and the more you can use it to advocate human right and communicate them to people from different culture.

      The use of language to advocate human right is the best way to communicate human right to people around the world that are been denied because they never heard of them and obviously have no idea that as person they have rights that nobody can take away from them . those right are limited because you cannot use your language to take away somebody else right using language.  

Friday, December 2, 2011


my name is Mohamed A. Balde am originally from guinea west africa, i was born in senegal in1994, but moved to moved to paris (france) where i grew up when i was 2 years old with my familly. i moved to the united states after i graduated from midle school. language is a huge part of me as i have lived in many places and had to learn new languages i speak 6 language but the one am confortable with the most are frensh, english, and fulany. i believe that as human to know and protect our right we should try to speak as many language as possible.


Human right is things that are undeniable to any person. I believe that the best way to advocate those rights is true communication (languages) because without it most people wouldn’t know that they actually have certain rights that nobody even the government can take away from them.
people are wondering how they will make the world a bettere place i think the easiess way to do it is by using our voices. while million of people where wondering how to make anought money to feed the starving kids in somalie a 12 years years old ghannaen boy came up with an idia that help him raise over $80000 dollars U.S which he send in to somalie to help feed those kids, his idia was to use his young voice and write latter to induviduals and compognise asking them to do something for those kids who have no hope but to recieve donations to help them survive. for me this was an amzing way of saving life and there was at 1 in every 5 persone living in this world with the same hearth as this kid  the world would hve been a better place for all. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

in this blog i will discuss how Dr. Martin Lutter King belived of non violence and how he used it to fight segration in america. Non violen protest as interpreted by king in using love to fight again the evil as he believed that that white man wasn't the eneemie but it was the evil inside him. to fight that he believed the only was using love to cure the people who were affected by it. he used that non violence method to win over the evil of segragation he ussed it to prove to the world that prove wrong the stereotype of being violen brute. he tought the white man that aperson should be judge base on his character and not the color his skin.
king used peaceful

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

project evolution

 am thinking about writing an essay how induvidual and collective human right are being violeted in some part of the worl, then come up with ideas about how language could be used to restore the hope of freedom for those people and give the right they deserve

Monday, October 31, 2011

connection in the closter

Throughout this cluster which include a human right, intro to language and composition/research we learned about many themes but the one that connects the most with all the courses is slavery. In both courses we learning thing that are undeniable to a person. Human right are the issue we using to connect both courses. In this blog I will discuss how the idea of human rights is connecting both courses.
In our human right class we learned that there are some natural rights that are undeniable to any person that include the right to freedom. We also learned that language is main key in promoting those rights. To understand the effect of being denied these right in our composition/research class we learning about slavery one the most horrible human rights violation in the history of human rights. Finally in intro to language we learning about the history of language and how it developed true out the years which is key in making sure human right become a reality rather than a theory because language is the most easy way for communicating those rights to the world. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

my name is Mohamed A. Balde am originally from guinea west africa, i was born in senegal in1994, but moved to moved to paris (france) where i grew up when i was 2 years old with my familly. i moved to the united states after i graduated from midle school. language is a huge part of me as i have lived in many places and had to learn new languages i speak 6 language but the one am confortable with the most are frensh, english, and fulany. i believe that as human to know and protect our right we should try to speak as many language as possible, becouse

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Terrors in the south

After the civil war white supremacist in the south started lynching (brutal execution of hanging then shooting at the dead body) as a form of intimidation to keep their superiority over newly emancipated Negros. The one who were the most affected were successful African American basically the one who had a successful business and the one who were involve in politic. Rape was the crime that white people used the most as an excuse for the lunching again the African American. They argued that African American were brutes that couldn’t be trusted in front of white innocent women. in this blog am going to use quote from Ida B. wells (an African American and journalist editor) "souther horrors" to discusses how white men were using lynching to terrorise AA. In this this book she talk about the white supremacist used outlaws and barbaric action after the civil war to retake control of the newly freed Negros. She discusses how rape was only an excuse for the white to apply his evil toward African American because not only AA man where victim of lynching but women and children as well. African American women were also often victim of rape by white man but those crime were most of the left unpunished.
   White supremacist argued that African American were the Couse of the disorder that was going on in the south as pointed out by wells in the southern horrors “they attributed many of their feeling of disorder to the newly freed man and the liberties that AA were granted during radical reconstruction” (wells page  this shows how they were accusing African American of being the Couse of the disorder in the south when they were the one who were doing all the barbaric act and false accusation to terminate African American who were hungry for progress they didn’t had for decade because they were working for those white supremacist profit.     
my name is Mohamed A. Balde am originally from guinea west africa, i was born in senegal in1994, but moved to moved to paris (france) where i grew up when i was 2 years old with my familly. i moved to the united states after i graduated from midle school. language is a huge part of me as i have lived in many places and had to learn new languages i speak 6 language but the am confortable with the most are frensh, english, and fulany. i believe that as human to protect our right we should try to speak as many language as possible, becouse

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Human right is things that are undeniable to any person. I believe that the best way to advocate those rights is true communication (languages) because without it most people wouldn’t know that they actually have certain rights that nobody even the government can take away from them.

Monday, October 3, 2011


While many slaves would argue that slavery and its masters were the personification of slave, others slaves considered the life of slavery with their master better than freedom.  This contradiction is both up in the when I was a slave memoirs witch is a collection of slave narrative in that memoire former slave are recalling they experiences as slaves and while some of them were talking about the atrocity and the evil did of their former master other slaves were talking about how they lives were better when they were with they masters. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Buzzword combination of buzz+word students star using it in 1946 to describe key words in lectures and readings, it's a noun stand for abreviation and is defined as popular word or phrase. example: the buzz word of laugh out loud is LOL.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the outhor think that people rather use drama istead of bullying becouse for teanager drama is someone acting stupid or trying to entertaine  and it cover the fact that they being bullieyed and the bullier feel stupid most of the time. it diminish the severity of it becouse they both are taking it as a joke(play) as in drama. for example some terrorist used the word djihad to give a power to their evil couse when what they doing doesnt really mean djihad.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

how to pronounce my name

it's mohɑmɛd it star with a Mmm witch is a bilabial sound you put both lips together and is a +v then there was a h it is glottals witch mean it is pronouce without the use of the tangue and other part of the mouth and is describe as voiceless. then there is onother mm and at the end there b witch is bilabial witch is voiced and pronounced with the upper and lower lips.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

people are wondering how they will make the world a bettere place i think the easiess way to do it is by using our voices. while million of people where wondering how to make anought money to feed the starving kids in somalie a 12 years years old ghannaen boy came up with an idia that help him raise over $80000 dollars U.S which he send in to somalie to help feed those kids, his idia was to use his young voice and write latter to induviduals and compognise asking them to do something for those kids who have no hope but to recieve donations to help them survive. for me this was an amzing way of saving life and there was at 1 in every 5 persone living in this world with the same hearth as this kid  the world would hve been a better place for all. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

God (father) has created all humans equal; this was what Banneker (a free African American astronomer, mathematician, and surveyor) argued in his 1791 later to Thomas Jefferson who was secretary of states at the time and one of the fathers of the constitution. His point was to make Jefferson act on his word witch was the constitution witch says that all men are created equal there for no man should be consider a propriety(slave) for the other, this Banneker believe was afforded to us by god(father). But some evil people that think they are superior to other are willing to destroy and to dehumanize other because of the different of skin color or social class. In the interesting life of equiano he describe the evilness he witnessed with the African and European slave-trader he encountered.  
  The difference of social has exited long back in the time equiano who born a free man with all the right that god had giving to human kind, but was kidnaped from his village to be sold to another person as thing are sold to people, he become the propriety of someone else who decide that he had no right but to obey to whatever he was told to he was so dehumanized that sometime he wished death to himself to end his miserable fate. It’s true that all human should be free and equal as mentioned by Banneker whatever there is good there all be bad people will always hate on each other and try to harm one another because of racism and decimation and as long as those two exist there will never be equality in this world.   

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

my history with language

                       My name is Aliou Balde I am from guinea, witch is a country filed with a diversity of local language the official language spoken is French. Language is a huge part of me, as I like to talk and listing to other, and to do so I learned as many language as I could. I speak English, French, Fulani, sosso, Mandingo.  I grow up learning Fulani and French because they were the most spoken language in my entourage. Fulani is the language spoken by my tribe witch is foula a community that live in West Africa. I learned to speak to speak sosso and Mandingo not because they were part of my family but only because they were spoken in my entourage. And finally I leard English after I moved here in 2007 at first it was kind hard for me as for the time in my life I was in a position where I could not understand when spoken to. That implanted a sense of curiosity in me that even pushed me to augment my motivation to learn this new language, and most of the time I think this sense of curiosity is the reason people learn faster  because if you curious you always want to know more and knowing more means learning faster. Currently am learning Arabic witch is a very different foreign language compare to English and French witch are both languages originated from the Latin language and they used the same later for writing witch are completely if I would say different from the Arabic alphabetic. And thus much harder to learn given the fact that i am not living in an Arabic country, and thus don’t have the advantage of having an entourage were the language am learning is spoken. Because the effect of entourage on a person whose learning a language is very helpful.  
     French is the first language I learned to write in because French is the official language in my home country guinea, because guinea is an ancient colony of French, witch also means that the French language is the language used in school. And when I moved to the U.S obviously I had to learn how to write in English because that is the official language here, and it was kind easy because it used the same alphabetic as the French language which Is due to their origination from the Latin language. I started learning how to write in Arabic at a very young age as a Muslim true learning the coran.               
            For me knowing how to speak and write a language is a very important and useful prospect in this modern word that we living in to allergies my social connection with other, and it also make it easier for me to fit in any community i come across? And I think the place where you can learn a language in no time is school because the its perfect place to meet and learn from other people with different believe and kowledge.
Throughout history Slavery has been one of the most unmoral act that human has ever did, its mentally and physically destroyed slaves lives, many slaves after gaining they freedom wrote books to describe the most horrible feeling they experienced as slave. I believe that fear of death and the sorrow of losing your close one are the most important emotional knowledge communicated by slaves. Slaves had this envy of escaping from their master when they missed they dear ones and this feeling of being free again, but were scared of being killed if captured or by other animals not knowing they way back home. Witch was always an emotion of hopelessness for them knowing that they fated to die as slave.

The fear of death was one the most disappointing feeling that slaves had toward themselves. Because it was that fear that keeps them thinking that they would never be able to get out of their situation. As describe in the interesting  life by Oloudah Equiano “I learned from them, that any attempt to return home would be hopeless…When I heard this I was seized with a violent panic, and abandoned myself to despair night too began to approach, and aggravated all my fears .” This shows how disappointed he was knowing that he died if he decides to run away from his horrible situation. Equiano had this feeling that he had lost any hope any hope of being free again because of his fear of death. Witch was the main thing slaves master want from their slaves to fear that they would be killed if they disobey them.

                 The most stimulating thing that were pushing slave to scape was the animosity of their master and mostly the sad feeling they had of living away from their close one, which they had been separated with to be sold. In the interesting life Equiano “I had before entertained hopes of getting home and had determined when it should be dark to make the attempt” this describe how the fact of being separated from his family was  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

my definition of language of human right

from my understading based on the couple class i had for each of the three subject i would say that the basic idia behind the expretion of language of human right is to use language to interpret laws. becouse in each classe we leardning about issue that connected to laws and they are applied to the modern world. and each subject is basicly about how people right are being violeted what should be done to prevent it. the language of human right for me is the way laws are interpreted