Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Terrors in the south

After the civil war white supremacist in the south started lynching (brutal execution of hanging then shooting at the dead body) as a form of intimidation to keep their superiority over newly emancipated Negros. The one who were the most affected were successful African American basically the one who had a successful business and the one who were involve in politic. Rape was the crime that white people used the most as an excuse for the lunching again the African American. They argued that African American were brutes that couldn’t be trusted in front of white innocent women. in this blog am going to use quote from Ida B. wells (an African American and journalist editor) "souther horrors" to discusses how white men were using lynching to terrorise AA. In this this book she talk about the white supremacist used outlaws and barbaric action after the civil war to retake control of the newly freed Negros. She discusses how rape was only an excuse for the white to apply his evil toward African American because not only AA man where victim of lynching but women and children as well. African American women were also often victim of rape by white man but those crime were most of the left unpunished.
   White supremacist argued that African American were the Couse of the disorder that was going on in the south as pointed out by wells in the southern horrors “they attributed many of their feeling of disorder to the newly freed man and the liberties that AA were granted during radical reconstruction” (wells page  this shows how they were accusing African American of being the Couse of the disorder in the south when they were the one who were doing all the barbaric act and false accusation to terminate African American who were hungry for progress they didn’t had for decade because they were working for those white supremacist profit.     

1 comment:

  1. I suggest that you give your readers some more direction, by introducing what you will be writing about in your blog. For example I suggest that you start your blog by saying "In this blog I will discuss...". You also have multiple sentence fragments, For example the second sentence in the first paragraph "The one who were the most affected were successful African American basically the one who had a successful business and the one who were involve in politic.". I also suggest that you correctly cite the direct quotations used in this blog by adding the page number & the name of the journalist.
