Monday, October 31, 2011

connection in the closter

Throughout this cluster which include a human right, intro to language and composition/research we learned about many themes but the one that connects the most with all the courses is slavery. In both courses we learning thing that are undeniable to a person. Human right are the issue we using to connect both courses. In this blog I will discuss how the idea of human rights is connecting both courses.
In our human right class we learned that there are some natural rights that are undeniable to any person that include the right to freedom. We also learned that language is main key in promoting those rights. To understand the effect of being denied these right in our composition/research class we learning about slavery one the most horrible human rights violation in the history of human rights. Finally in intro to language we learning about the history of language and how it developed true out the years which is key in making sure human right become a reality rather than a theory because language is the most easy way for communicating those rights to the world. 

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